PodsAndStuff iPod Guide

version 1.4

formatted in all html for simplicity

note this guide is subjective so please dont give criticism that is not constructive, this is based on opinion and fact


P.S, best place to buy ipods for beginners who want stuff cheap is Elite Obsolete Electronics!


"Mr. Pods And Stuff, what should i get as my first iPod?" you may ask.

the answer is complicated. it all depends on what YOU, the buyer, want.

here is a little guide where the clips are on the sides of the ipod. there are also clips on the top and (i think) one on the bottom of the device.

do not attempt the bottom one (aka PRO STRAT), as it could bend and cause severe structural damage to the backplate and/or midframe.


if you wonder why i skipped apprentice, thats because modding the 5th gen is apprentice and just buying and using one is novice

b-b-b-but Mr. Pods And Stuff! i want a cleaner UI and more ram and storage!!!

do not fear! mr pods and stuff is here! okay, let me stop with the corny b.s...

your best bet would be the 7th gen classic.

"Mr. Pods And Stuff, why not recommend it from the beginning?

there is just one problem.. it has a metal frontplate which makes both it & the 6th gen classic difficult to open without damage.

also side note do NOT get the 6th or 6.5th generation classic... they have disk space limits for flash modding which suck


ipod mini, kinda like a smaller classic and its a bit more difficult to manuever. you need to be like salemtech and have tiny racoon like fingers (just like me... ooh la laaa ladies hit me up)


literally any ipod nano or shuffle. just dont attempt to repair it please. save yourself the headaches and use that time to go out and get some head.

im not even going to put a picture of the nanos or shuffles since they're so different every model


ipod touches.

even the basic stuff on these are nightmares. unless its software related dont do it.

if you get one with no hardware faults you're good, but PLEASE do NOT open these things

mod guide

what things to buy

okay so your best bet for a simple mod on a 5th-7th gen classic would be a batt swap and an iFlash.

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